Returning BigQuery Data in Apache Arrow Format with Python

The Python client for BigQuery recently added a to_arrow() method that will return query results as an [Apache Arrow] Table.

This means there is no need to serialize data or convert types on the server or the client, which can result in massive gains in terms of both performance and memory efficiency.

import pyarrow as pa
from import bigquery

def arrow_table_to_pybytes(arrow_table):
    sink = pa.BufferOutputStream()
    writer = pa.ipc.new_stream(sink, arrow_table.schema)
    for batch in arrow_table.to_batches():
    buf = sink.getvalue()
    return buf.to_pybytes()

def get_bq_arrow(request):
    dataset = "hpwg-297320.movebank"
    table = "wildebeest"
    query = f"""
      individual_local_identifier, timestamp, location_long, location_lat,
      FROM {dataset}.{table}
      LIMIT 10000

    bq_client = bigquery.Client()
    query_job = bq_client.query(query)
    arrow_table = query_job.to_arrow()

    return arrow_table_to_pybytes(arrow_table)

Since Arrow is a binary format, be sure to set a proper content type when sending it over HTTP. On the client you can pass the response to Arrow.Table.from(), which is a zero copy operation and thus extremely performant.

Serving the results with Django

from django.http import HttpResponse
return HttpResponse(

Serving the results with Flask

from flask import Response
return Response(