High Performance Web Graphics
You're effectively building the most performant pipeline you can from the database to a user’s GPU.
[Creating a Google Cloud Platform Project for High Performance Web Graphics]
- Database/Storage
- Anything from BiqQuery to Postgres/MySQL to NoSQL
- Hybrid storage mixes denormalized and serialized data to accommodate both querying and high performance
- Store queryable fields as columns or properties
- Store full serialized row/document for fast retrieval and sending
- [Create a New Firebase Application]
- Download and convert sample data
- Server
- Client
- On the client it's one line to deserialize the protobuf and one line to deserialize each record batch
- Both operations should be zero copy and lazy
- [How to Load Binary Protocol Buffer Data in Angular]
- [[Using Apache Arrow with Angular]]
- [Typed Arrays] pop up here and there
- GPU-based visualization with tools like [[deck.gl]]
- GLSL [shaders] for custom graphics
- Misc.