Create a new Google App Engine Application

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is comprised of more than 90 individual products, so a project is a high level container for potentially many individual pieces like applications and microservices.

App Engine is GCP's Platform as a Service (PaaS) for running web applications and supports most common languages and frameworks in its "standard environment". Scaling is built in so it's an easy way to deploy an application without having to worry about infrastructure. For web applications on GCP the primary alternative to using App Engine is Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) which may be a better choice for applications with non-standard environments or when you want or need more control. We're building a pretty standard application, so we're going to use GAE and enjoy its convenience.

  1. Select your GCP project
  2. Navigate to the App Engine page (available from the side nav)
  3. Create a new App Engine application Create Application screen
  4. Select a region that makes sense for your location Region selection screen
  5. Select Python and the Standard environmentLanguage and environment selection screen

Your application has now been created!

App successfully created image

As the page recommends, now is a good time to install the Cloud SDK if you haven't done so before. Cloud SDK is just a CLI for interacting with Google Cloud so you don't have to use the in-browser console for everything.

gcloud auth login gcloud config set project